Burn 500 Calories with this Workout Plan

By  - 6 years ago

It’s not time to give up your fitness resolutions just yet! Get back on track with this torching 500-calorie workout routine.



Calories burned: approximately 250 calories

Perform each exercise for 50 seconds, then rest for 10 seconds before moving on to the next one. After completing 1 round, rest for 2 minutes, then repeat for 2 more rounds.


Don’t forget to do some warm up exercises before performing this circuit!


1. Kettlebell swing (50 seconds)

Swing Kettlebell GIF - Find & Share on GIPHY

Source: Giphy


2. Kettlebell rows (25 seconds on each side)

Women Exercises GIF - Find & Share on GIPHY

Source: Lifting Revolution via Giphy


3. Box jumps (50 seconds)

Train Gym GIF by Nike Pro Training - Find & Share on GIPHY

Source: Nike Pro Training via Giphy


4. Tricep dips (50 seconds)

Source: Jacqui Beyer


5. Alternating split jumps (50 seconds)

Sydney Leroux Fitness GIF - Find & Share on GIPHY

Source: Sydney Leroux via Giphy


6. Weighted squat (50 seconds)

Goblet Squat GIF by Hockey Training - Find & Share on GIPHY

Source: Giphy



7. Plank (50 seconds)

Fitness Working Out GIF by 8fit - Find & Share on GIPHY

Source: 8 Fit via Giphy


8. Spiderman Plank (50 seconds)

Girl Get Fit GIF by 8fit - Find & Share on GIPHY

Source: 8 Fit via Giphy



Calories burned: approximately 250 calories

Source: Shape


End the workout with a 5-minute cool down, and reward yourself with a shower and recovery meal.


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