How to Be #PoweredByNature Like These 5 Celebs

By  - 6 years ago

It’s no secret that celebrities lead a very hectic lifestyle. They pull all-nighters for shoots and move from one location to the next. On top of that, they’re also under immense pressure by being in the public eye all the time.

It’s a good thing that some celebs make it a point to break away from the hustle from time to time and repower themselves by being one with nature. Here’s how 5 celebs do it.


Joyce Pring

Though Joyce Pring always looks fresh AF on camera despite being always on the go, she still has to reconnect with nature to feel refreshed and powered up. And while she has an affinity with the ocean, Joyce also likes to take the road less traveled—by hiking, we mean.

Hiking outdoors is a healthy cardio activity you can do to help improve blood pressure and soothe your mind at the same time. Don’t forget to take in the scenic view of nature while you’re at it—it’s therapeutic.


Issa Pressman

Issa is a gal who loves to travel and spend time away from the city. One look at her Instagram and you’ll immediately see countless photos of her wandering around a foreign city or kicking it with friends at the beach.

But aside from basking under the sun by the seashore, another way she keeps it moving is by going on a nature walk. She’s definitely not afraid of sweating it out!


Lauren Young

A girl who loves watching sunsets with her best gals, Lauren knows how to cherish the beautiful things nature has to offer. As she said in one post on her Instagram, she’s wishing for a healthier and happier life ahead after turning 25.

And that’s why she relaxes by doing yoga while watching the sunset. Doing thisputs the stressed mind at ease and releases built-up tension in your body. Try it and see for yourself!


 Janina Manipol

As a travelbug, Janina is no stranger to jetlag and stress brought by constantly being on the go and flying from place to place. But because she’s a pro, Janina knows how to recharge and pamper herself in the midst of her busy life.

She makes her own body scrub with natural salt, vitamin E and licorice, which is perfect after a long day or after a long haul flight. It’s an instant healthy pick-me-up to get rid of that haggard feeling.


Gabbi Garcia

Gabbi is one of the most in-demand young actresses of today’s generation. You’ll see her on TV, billboards, magazine covers, and more. But even though she’s a busy girl, she maintains that youthful look.

She keeps her natural freshness by starting the day with a positive attitude. And no matter how stressful her schedule can be, she always finds time to work out.


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