5 Hidden Places in the Philippines to Visit Before They Get Popular

By  - 7 years ago

Summer season has commenced in the Philippines which means the influx of local and international tourists to your go-to destinations is already inevitable. How can you enjoy your vacation if you’re constantly battling with others for that spot on the shore or for that time slot to go hiking? Lucky for you, we’ve done a little research on new places you can visit. Check out these five hidden places in the country that will be your next favorite summer destination.


5. Cresta de Gallo Island, Romblon

The travel to see the paradise that is Cresta de Gallo may be long, but witnessing its pristine, white sandbar and surrounding turquoise water will make you realize it is worth all the trouble. The island is secluded and free from any commercialized establishments, so you can relax and enjoy the privacy in peace.


4. Malapascua Island, Cebu

For those who are already on their nth dive and are tired of seeing fishes, consider putting Malapascua Island at the top of your diving spot list. The marine life here is so rich and diverse that sightings of thresher sharks, squid, octopus, sea horses, among plenty of others, are common.

Se llama Alopias pelagicus, o más comúnmente conocido en castellano como tiburón zorro o azotador (thresher shark en inglés). Su principal característica es la aleta caudal, una cola que abarca hasta un 50% de los 4 metros a los que puede llegar esta especie de #tiburón zorro, a veces es tan larga como la longitud total de su cuerpo. La usa para golpear a sus presas, su forma de cazar está definida por su cuerpo. Tiene una boca demasiado pequeña como para poder atrapar la captura mientras nada y se alimenta de peces pequeños (sardinas, arenques..) que aturde con un latigazo de esta aleta caudal que alcanza velocidades de hasta 50 kilómetros por hora. Un espectáculo bastante complicado de disfrutar ya que como buen #pelágico vive la mayor parte del tiempo a profundidades de entre 300 y 500 metros. Contaré más cosas sobre él en sucesivas fotos que vaya subiendo. Él es la razón por la que vivo en #Malapascua y no consigo irme. La razón de mis madrugones. La musa de mis inmersiones. I ❤️ SHARKS. #itsmorefuninthephilippines #filipinas #shark #threshershark #tiburonzorro

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3. Apo Island, Dumaguete

If you think only divers can see the treasures under the sea, then Apo Island will change your mind. Grab your snorkeling gear and spend a day with sea turtles while you swim together through the clear blue waters of Dumaguete.


2. Itbayat Island, Batanes

Hike like you’ve never did before because it’s the only way to witness the beauty of the inhabited Itbayat Island way up north. When you hit Rapang Cliff, you’ll be rewarded with the bluest of blues of the Pacific Ocean, marvelous rock formations, and the last port in the country.

Nature Venture ???

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1. Kiokong White Rock Wall, Bukidnon

For the adrenaline junkies who want to inject a little adventure in their summer plans, climb the extremely high and steep Kiokong White Rock Wall. It’s not your typical rock climbing as midway through the ascent, you’ll get to experience a vertical bivouac with view that will take your breath away.

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