This Hot Guy Made a Spicy Surprise to the Person Who Discovered Him #IntenseKilig

By  - 6 years ago

Doctor McDreamy? Who is he? We only know McDo’s McSpicy guy that caught our attention recently. A McSpicy plus a hottie equals one fiery TVC.


To give a little bit of context, you’ll need to watch Mcdo’s intense new TVC for the McSpicy first:

See the guy doing pull-ups with one hand while eating a McSpicy with another? That’s Warren Cabban. You’ve probably seen him in this viral post back in July that showed him eating at a McDonald’s:


Kapag tumingin ka , akin ka ?????

Posted by Vanessa Todorov on Saturday, 21 July 2018

As of today, the Facebook post has garnered over 15,000 shares and 4,000 likes and we totally understand why. Because of this post, Warren ended up starring in McDo’s latest McSpicy TVC.



Not only did he score a McDo deal, he also won our hearts by redoing what he did in his viral post by sending a McSpicy to Vanessa, the girl who met him. See what went down between the two:

OMG! Kahapon lang nakita ko siya sa commercial, ngayon may ganitong pasabog ? Ang hot talaga… ng McSpicy! ? Hehehe Thank you @warren ❤️

Posted by Vanessa Todorov on Sunday, 23 September 2018

Glad You Liked My Spicy Surprise Vanessa Todorov <3

Posted by Warren Cabban Jr. on Tuesday, 25 September 2018


Who knew that eating at McDonald’s would lead to this? So ladies, if you’re single and still searching, maybe you’ll find what you’re looking for if you head to your nearest McDonald’s but if not, well, the McSpicy is enough to spice up your life.


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