These Are the 2017 Trends We Can’t Get Enough Of

By  - 7 years ago

As the year comes to a close, let’s take a look back at the trends that made 2017 another fabulous one for the books.


Mermaid everything

From hair

This fishtail legit looks like a fish??

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To tail (or, well, blankets)


And even workouts,


2017 made us feel like doing it mermaid style was the only way to go. And though this is actually a spillover from 2016, we still feel like 2018 could use a sprinkle of mermaid charm here and there.


Unicorn everything

We had floaters,


Makeup brushes,



Unicorn theme birthday order! #cake #cakes #unicorncakes #bakesforcakes #socute

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And even frappuccinos blended with a unicorn aesthetic.


If wanting to keep a touch of rainbow, magic, and sparkles in our hearts is wrong, then we don’t want to be right!


Intergalactic hues

Galaxy lips,


Galaxy cakes,

Hallo ihr Lieben! Damit wir euch nicht wieder mit verschwundenen Videos verwirren, verweisen wir diesmal gleich auf die lange Version dieses Mega-Knaller-Kuchens – das Video ist nämlich fast dreieinhalb Minuten lang und jede Sekunde davon superlecker ;-)
Komplettes Video hier: Dafür brauchst du: Für den Browniekuchen: 4 Eier 150 g Puderzucker 170 g flüssige Butter 170 g geschmolzene Zartbitterschokolade 140 g Mehl 1 TL Backpulver 1 Prise Salz Für die Mousse: 200 g zerkleinerte Zartbitterschokolade 700 g Sahne 80 g Puderzucker Für die Glasur: 300 ml Wasser 340 g Zucker 400 g gezuckerte Kondensmilch 740 g zerkleinerte weiße Schokolade 8 große Blätter eingeweichte Gelatine Lebensmittelfarbe in Rot, Hellblau, Dunkelblau, Türkis, Rosa und Violett Für die Dekoration: Zuckersternchen Glitzerzucker #Galaxycake #dessert #kuchen #GalaxyMirrorCake #leckerschmecker #rezepte #essen #Mirrorcake #Spiegelkuchen #rezept #food #nachtisch #dessert #Spiegelglasur #lecker #Weltall #Sternchen #Glitzer #Glimmer #baking #backen #kochrezepte #sternenkuchen #marmoniert #milchstraße #rund #unicorn #einhorn #fancy

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And galaxy nails made sent us to the moon and back.


Because in true millennial spirit, everything has to be extra. And we feel like the galaxy trend’s moment is far from over.


Millennial pink/rose gold


We’re sure there’s bound to be a new staple color for 2018 (could Ultraviolet be it?), but we’d still like to hold on to our cute millennial pink purses and classy rose gold pumps, thank you very much.


Poke bowls


We feel like we’ve only hit the tip of the iceberg with this beautiful traditional Pacific Islander cuisine and we’re dying to explore and experiment with it some more!


Crop tops

GIVEAWAY ALERT!!! You’ve all seen how my hair has transformed through the years so it’s no secret that I like experimenting with my hair especially with Pantene’s Silky Smooth Care by my side to help me keep my locks smooth and straight no matter what. (You know I’ve been a Pantene baby since forever!) I want you to experience it for yourself too and be part of the golden movement so @pantenephilippines and I are giving away a super special something!!! ????? • To join: 1. Post a photo on Instagram and share why you want to #MakeTheGoldenSwitch to Pantene Silky Smooth Care. 2. Tag me and Pantene Philippines. • I’ll be sending a message to the 10 lucky winners here on Instagram by December 3! ? #UnfrizzYourHair

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As with all things fashion, crop tops are admittedly not a new thing. But with summer just a few months away, it seems weird to retire our midriff-baring outfits to ring in the new year, only to bring them back out of retirement when the sun finally turns up the heat.


Off-shoulder fashion

Showing some shoulder on the blog. #liketkit

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This style may give the term “cold shoulder” a different meaning, but we don’t care. The cold never bothered us anyway, and we’ve got a few more interesting looks to pull off with this trend. Sue us.


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