The Grammys May Be Over But The Memes Aren’t

By  - 6 years ago

When fancy events and award shows like the Grammys happen, there’s bound to be memes born out of it. What good are award shows if we can’t make something out of the awkward moments, celeb interactions, and their fashion?


That being said, the most prestigious night in music gave us tons of material to talk about. From Lady Gaga, to Drake’s speech, to unexpected winners.


Here are the best memes and reactions to the 2019 Grammys:


Lady Gaga’s stare into the camera after her performance of Shallow


Alicia Keys playing 2 pianos


Katy Perry’s cupcake dress


Drake being cut off during his acceptance speech


Cardi B’s clam dress


The Nicki Minaj-related tweets when Cardi B won the Best Rap Album award


When Michelle Obama made a surprise appearance


When people weren’t happy about J.Lo’s Motown tribute performance


Rhonda Ross was caught on the phone looking like she had something shady to say


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