Classic Christmas Flicks to Binge-Watch This Holiday Season

By  - 7 years ago

Staying in for Christmas? Kick back, relax, and put these movies on for a healthy dose of holiday feels.


The Nightmare Before Christmas

This stop-motion masterpiece about the Pumpkin King, Jack Skellington is as endearing as it gets. He’s gotten tired of Halloween and just wants to give Christmas a go. If you’re feeling a bit low on holiday cheer, this unlikely flick just might help bring the wonder back in Christmas for you.


Love Actually

Before we knew Andrew Lincoln as professional zombie-killing former-Sheriff Rick Grimes on The Walking Dead, he put men the world over to shame with this special placard confession of love. And as a testament to Love Actually’s status a classic, a Red Nose Day special short reuniting the wonderful ensemble cast came out earlier this year—14 years after the success of the original feature film.


Home Alone (1 and 2)

As the film that made Macaulay Culkin a household name in the early 90s, there are just too many iconic moments and lines between the two Home Alone films. The premise is simple, but the antics, so over the top that to this day, it’s able to keep people of all ages entertained throughout the movie.


It’s A Wonderful Life

This one is as classic as it gets. Regular guy George Bailey’s existential crisis resonates with us and his little peek into the lives of people closest to him had he not been born will stir up your feels for sure.


Mean Girls

Mean Girls may not technically be a Christmas movie, but this particular scene alone has been parodied so many times, yet we still can’t get enough. To that, we say, “You go, Glen Coco!” And really, do we need a reason to rewatch Mean Girls for the umpteenth time? We thought so.


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