Beauty Myths You Need to Know

By  - 6 years ago

We know that by now you’ve read enough articles or followed enough gurus to know all about skincare, but trust us when we say that beauty and skin health is a science that’s not as simple as it seems.

There are a lot of inaccurate details and misconceptions surrounding beauty. Because as long as you haven’t hit your 40’s you shouldn’t concern yourself with skin concerns that come with age, right? Wrong.

The fountain of youth still remains a legend as far as we know, but in the meantime, we can debunk anti-aging beauty myths so those dreaded wrinkles and age spots are kept at bay.



Myth #1: You should only buy anti-aging products when you’re older

Like the saying goes, prevention is better than cure. It’s never too early to start on your regimen to fight aging. Ingredients that are safe and healthy for you in your 30’s can be just as safe for you if you’re in your 40’s, and vice versa.

If you’re worried anti-aging ingredients will be too harsh for your young skin, just make sure to check the nutrition information on a product to find out if the ingredients will work well on your skin before taking or using them.


Myth #2: Aging just gives you wrinkles

You think wrinkles are the only enemy when you age? Think again. Though fine lines and crow’s feet are threatening, wrinkles aren’t the only thing you have to face. Sun damage causes dark spots too (not to mention skin cancer, but that’s a whole different topic altogether).

Though you don’t see the harsh effects of UV rays right away, you are exposed to it every day of your life and left untaken care of, your skin deteriorates early. So save yourself expensive Botox treatments and start taking the supplements your skin needs.


Myth #3: You can DIY anti-aging treatments

If you ever think of doing your own anti-aging home remedies, save yourself the effort because skinexperts say long-term anti-aging treatments aren’t found in your kitchen.We know “natural” is all the rage these days when it comes to ingredients, but there can be irritants or organisms in your homemade concoction that can harm your skin.

One example of an anti-aging ingredient is astaxanthin, which is found in freshwater microalgae. This carotenoid is a nutrient that’s said to reduce signs of UV-aging which you can find in both topical and dietary supplement products.


Myth #4: The rate at which your skin ages depends on your genes

While experts believe that genes do play a role in aging, they also say our lifestyle choices and habits have more influence on the rate at which we age. Just because your mom has minimal wrinkles at the age of 65, doesn’t necessarily mean you will be the same.

If you neglect your skin’s health, you may age faster than your mother if she has been religiously taking anti-aging supplements or using sunscreen. If your lifestyle includes smoking, having a poor diet, and constant sun exposure, these could all contribute to faster aging regardless of how your mother’s skin looks like at her age.


Myth #5: Retinol is the only ingredient for anti-aging

If you look at night masks and anti-wrinkle creams available in the market today, almost all of them contain retinol. It’s understandable though, because it’s an anti-aging ingredient. The thing is, these are limited to topical treatments only.

Good thing retinol is not the only ingredient out there!

Astaxanthin when ingested is a powerful antioxidant for the body. In fact, this skin nutrient helps reduce fine lines and lightens dark spots.It also has inflammatory properties that will protect your skin from developing sunburns when paired with proper diet and continued use.

So next time you’re on the lookout for new skincare products, keep an eye out for this ingredient and don’t limit it to just topical creams!


Myths sources:




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  • Nice post, many people take anti aging very lightly