5 Ingredients Every Acne-Prone Skin Type Needs NOW!

By  - 6 years ago

One of the main reasons why we get troublesome skin is because we don’t choose the right products for our skin type. A product may be trendy and raved about by all the beauty enthusiasts but it doesn’t automatically mean that it’s for you too.


We all have different skin woes and the first and most important step in deciding which product to use is to find out what your skin troubles are and what ingredients will address them. If you’re prone to pimples and acne, here are the ingredients you should look for when making the next skincare purchase.


Benzoyl Peroxide

This is the go-to treatment for teenagers who are battling hormonal pimples during puberty stage. This topical cream ranges in strength from 2.5 to 10 percent depending on how bad your acne is. It kills bacteria that causes acne and at the same time sloughs off dead skin cells to prevent clogged pores.


Salicylic Acid

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Все девочки (ну, и некоторые мальчики?) знают, что очищение – это базис ухода за кожей!? Ну, я основа основ для Алины – это корейская косметика??‍♀️ Сегодня начну кратко обзорить посылочку от @korea.cosm (заказы отправляются напрямую и Кореи, а затем возможна доставка в Украину, РФ, Беларусь и не только ?) ⠀ Я уже была знакома с молодым корейским брендом #Cosrx – поэтому эту пенку ждала с особым любопытством: Во-первых, салицилловая кислота – хорошо знакомая #BHA, которая жизненно необходима проблемной, жирной и комбинированной коже?; Во-вторых, минималистичный состав без воска❌; В-третьих, невероятно экономичный расход – если вы ранее пробовали корейские очищалки, то знаете, что они таки бесконечны⏳. ⠀ Цена: примерно $16 Полный обзор по ссылочке в био?❤ ⠀ #beautyreview #beautybloger #koreacosmetic #koreanstyle #корейскаякосметика #salicylicacid #уходзакожей #проблемнаякожа #корейскаякосметикаукраина #beauty #likeforlikeback #likeforlikealways #like4follow #likeforlikes #like4likes

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This beta-hydroxy acid is a popular acne-fighting ingredient which you’ll find in a lot of cleansers and treatments for spots. This acid works as an exfoliant which keeps pores clean by exfoliating inside the hair follicle. If you’ve never used salicylic acid before, it’s best to look for a treatment with the strength of 2%. Make sure to moisturize after as it can make your skin dry!


Tea Tree Oil

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Review Time? #teatreeoil From #bodyshop is Surely a Superhero Product ?‍♀️ . . . . . From the past year I've had really bad acne. My entire face would be completely broken out all the time and I was in a lot of pain and so self conscious. I tried everything I could from different face washes, to treatments, to masks, to giving up makeup, to changing my diet. Nothing worked. I have been using this product for three to four months now and my acne is almost completely gone and I can see it getting better every day. Not only is my acne disappearing, discolorations from old acne are fading and my skin texture is so much smoother. My skin feels the smoothest and softest that it's felt in so long. I cannot recommend this product enough. It is the only thing that has worked on my acne.

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If you’re keen on trying all-natural ingredients, tea tree oil is your friend. This antimicrobial ingredient helps battle acne by ridding pores of bacteria and impurities. However, if you have sensitive skin, this ingredient may be too harsh for you, especially if you have eczema. Apply SPF afterwards as your skin may be more susceptible to UV rays.



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✨ Another Two Hits from The Ordinary . 1️⃣ Amino Acids + B5 is one of the newest products they launched few months ago. This Concentrated Hydration Support Formula combines 13 amino acids with Vitamin B5 which helps to bind water into the skin to improve skin hydration. Amino Acids are beneficial for the skin, they’re the building blocks of all proteins and they can also help heal the skin and make it more youthful. This serum can be used both morning and night. I like this product more than their Hyaluronic Acid or Hyaluronic Acid 2% with B5. I feel the consistency is better, and much easier to layer with other products. My skin feels super hydrated with a healthy glow! Overall I’m absolutely loving it! . 2️⃣ Glycolic Acid 7% Toning Solution is the first chemical exfoliation toner I’ve used (yes, I know, I was really late to chemical exfoliation). If you’re new to Acids, this toner might sting a bit, but still I found it’s such an amazing product. The most significant change to my skin is my acne scars started fading away which has always been my No.1 concern. I’ve tried many acne solution products before but didn’t work. Besides that, my skin becomes much smoother and brighter. I can’t say enough good things about this toner, it works even better than some other exfoliants that cost 4-5 x price. It is one of my HG products and will re-purchase indefinitely.

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Alpha-hydroxy acids or AHAs are ingredients that help shed off dead skin cells which clog pores and lead to breakouts. After applying AHA, you’ll notice that your skin is much smoother and softer. Glycolic and lactic acids are examples of AHAs that you’ll find in a lot of skincare brands today.



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50 shades of #pink. (RP @girlsxploring)

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It may smell nasty but give it a chance. This rotten-smelling mineral helps minimize oil and inflammation so you’ll see this ingredient in a number of acne-drying lotions. Sulfur is much less drying than benzoyl peroxide and also has healing properties that can help fade acne scars and blemishes. Others use sulfur with other products to cover up the unappealing smell but trust the experts who say that the results are much more pleasant than its aroma.


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